Thursday, August 11, 2011

10A. PART 1

This is meeee. At "work". Am an intern for Greater Good. Imma put a link since I'm pretty sure most of you don't know it tumblrrrr and facebook~~ check it para naman you know where I "work".

ANYHOOOOOOO BIG BALONEYYYS, Here I present to you 10A Alabama's insiiideess~~~ it's sooo like a normal house(outside) so you don't really know if you can enter it or not but the gate is open so feel free to enter and not be shy, later, I shall post the photo of the gate.

Ooooohhh, bizcuitz in da houusee (I feel so happy coz most of the time my house does not have legit food sooo yeah..just ask my friends bout the state of food at my place they know it). =)) Notice the cooool jars? I wanted to take them all home!

Haaa, I am a mad scientist, I shall experiment on these biscuits~~~

Zoomin' in on mahh bizcuits. Just kidding, I think these are just for display.

Haaa, can you see me?
The place is self-service so...go and make yourself some food on ze microwave!
Serious ako. Methinks.

What's this game called again? Jamba??? Jango?? I really don't know..I kinda forgot =)) But yeah, it's that game where you pull it...BUT WITH MATH! Hold on a sec, imma get my calculator~~ :))

Ooooh, lamp thinggyy.

Sucks to be him! My newly-found friend Alex and I was sooo tempted to wear that hat. She caved in and tried but alas, that hat was only made for Mr. Skelee. Nooo, guys it was I think glued or stitched on Mr. Skelee...I think it is glued tho.


I want that giant poster in my dream house!

Cool fridge.
You can pretty much get anything there. We tried the test tube shots and it was realllyyy good. 1 test tube cost like 100 bucks.

Ooohhh, camera straps, I got the one on the faaarrr leeft.

This is another part of a house and it's also a store. They sell vintage books and magazines. Yes, vintage magazines :)). I like the sketches on the walls too, I feel like they're cool to collect in my dream house as well...yes, I'd buy them all. =)) *ka-ching*

Ooohh, chest of drawers, Niicee. Add that to my imaginary credit card, pleassee~~~ *ka-chiingg*

We met Kuya Jonathan there as well, he said he knew the owner of 10A Alabama and he told us to go visit Jetro's resto/gallery called Van Gogh is Bipolar. I asked him the directions of the place but I still can't seem to imagine the route in my mind. I suck at streets and directions. I shall try and hunt Van Gogh is Bipolar tho coz I know it's just near my house anyway. I think :|.

Cool postcards.

The little shop of vintage books is called RAW.

Cool artwork...ang tiyaga niyaa :))

Bet this corridor is kinda creepy at night.

Ooohh, microscope...RESURRECTED into a lamp. This area of the house is called Resurrection: Furniture and Found Objects Gallery. So basically, what they do is they...resurrect items and give them a new life/meaning. :))

Kinda creepy denim couch. :)) But I like the shape of it. Like cooool classic sofas.
Anywayzzz Gokungweiii, Part two is coming soon. Let's hope I remember to post that. =))
Hope you like part 1 :D

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