Saturday, January 7, 2012


Before I end my day, here's a little thing I did with my recently purchased Lomokino.

Walk from Nikki Tuason on Vimeo.

I got these developed right after the holidays. Speaking of holidays, a New Year's Resolution is in tow. I am going to spread the S.H.R.T stickers, learn how to use acrylic paints once again, and I've decided to talk to strangers!!! Not in a way that would get me killed...but in a Scott Schuman kind of approach, sumthin like dis:

I dunno how I'm gonna do it because I am not a people person but whatevs, I want to take some cool photos so I have to do it. Btw, did you know there's a tutorial for talking to strangers?
Click here to know how to approach them carefully! =))))

Also, I don't JUST want to take photos, I'm planning on using my Lomokino more and I have a project in mind using the Lomo and it's something like this:

Japan from Edwin Europe on Vimeo.

I can't wait to have the balls to talk to strangers and start this (sorta expensive) project of mine but I'm pretty excited. Sooo here's to a New Year! WOOOOOO!!!

PS. I am also hoping that this year, I would be allowed to go to a foreign llaaaannddd~~~ I can't tell what the place is yet...but for now...