Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Dual Personality: Mia

For our concept photo plate, we were asked to shoot with the theme in mind of 'Dual Personality' with a high-key and low-key setting. For my concept, I was thinking about the two sides women can have. There's the feisty/rebellious type and then there's the innocent/naive/delicate side to them and that's what I wanted the model to show. I used a mask since (for me) mask=hiding your identities (or something like that) and the cat mask because women are often related to feline creatures. You know, like catwalks and Cat Woman (whut) =))

So yah, that's what I did here.

Although, quite frankly, I think I was not able to get the job done in the high-key/low-key part, no?
Model: Mia Pasaporte
Camera: 400D Canon
Assistant: John Remigio

This post is dedicated to Mia Pasaporte because it is her birthday todayyy!!!