Thursday, December 22, 2011

Branding of S.H.R.T

I haven't blogged for ages because school has killed me. I am now slowly recovering from heart attacks and heart failures from the finals. Anyhoo, I decided this logo would be my first post after my hiatus from work. These will be printed on stickers and everyone LOVES stickers! Well, at least I think everyone does, hahaha.

I'm planning on marketing my other blog so that more people can buy from me and get awesome pieces which can't be found anywhere anymore (that's another way of putting thrift items, if you'd like). Also, so that more people can/will know my online thrift store. I'm putting out stickers all over town and hopefully some of my friends can help me distribute it. More people knowing my blog= more chances of selling my items...AND DOMINATE THE WOOORRLLDDd!!!! *INSERT EVIL LAUGH HERE*

I'm also "re-branding" my blog so a new design MAY be on the way for it. I'm not really sure, it all hangs on the balance with my laziness and my urge to dominate the world =))

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I recently made a tumblr account for all my drawings and doodles and stuff and lucky me, some people enjoyed it. Then one morning, I opened my tumblr it I have a message in my "ask box"! TUMBLR PEEPS KNOW HOW COOL IT IS TO HAVE A MESSAGE IN YOUR ASK BOX and so I giddily opened my inbox and saw....that it was just tumblrbot. :(

=))) Then a few weeks later, another message popped up and so I opened it thinking that it was just tumblrbot BUT IT WAS NOT. I had received a message from one of the founders of Helmstyle saying that he liked my drawing and he was wondering if I was interested to contributing some illustrations. I WAS ECSTATIC

I then contacted them and was communicating with them for about 2-3 weeks and the above photo was the result. I hope you guys visit their site because they post a lot of neat stuff (which are mostly menswear) and they also do clothing reviews which they post in youtube!

So go check 'em out here, I promise you guys you'll discover new stuff and you won't be disappointed. That's me not being biased because I really liked their website even BEFORE they contacted me :> :D

Oh, and here's my tumblog for my drawings, RIPPEDTEESKETCHES.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Something Girls Should See/Hear

I'll let the video speak for itself. JUST PRESS PLAY. :)

She pushed in before me,
in the supermarket queue.
Pretending not to see me in the way women do.
She put on the counter some bread and milk too,
and then she pulled out 5 different bottles of shampoo.
And I thought to myself, "I will never understand women."
And I hear some of you saying "Yeah but all men are the same,
they all think they’re so cool and are ruled by their dicks."
That might be true of me, but it ain’t true of all of us,
so don’t point that finger so quick.
I do see some of the blokes though,
in the clubs, pinching girls asses,
trying to be intimidating, making obscene passes.
"Man, she’s a goddess,
you can tell by the way she dances."
But you call her a slag when she don’t accept your advances.
You just show you got no respect for yourself.
Show you ain’t got the balls to just talk to a girl.
So when she chats to me,
you spit at her and shout "WHORE."
Well, it’s written in the art of war,
to fight only the battles you can win.
But I will defend your honour until they kick my face in.
If you have to scrape me, broken boned, bloodied, bruised and battered up off the floor,
well fuck it.
Integrity is what black eyes were invented for.
So down with the dictatorship,
they’re so cock sure,
they use rape as a weapon of war.
Fuck the man that thinks it’s okay to give his wife a punch.
Fuck the judge that said it weren’t rape cause she was drunk.
And if you’re pro life,
I mean, if you’re PRO life,
then become a doctor, or foster a kid,
make it possible for people who are alive, to LIVE.
But don’t you dare tell women, what they can and can’t do,
when it was a woman that gave life to you.
Yes, I’m a man who may be stereotypical,
but I ain’t afraid to say it, I think all women are beautiful,
and strong.
Too fat, too thin,
that’s just media spin.
You look best when you’re comfortable in your own skin.
So I’m sorry, if we made you feel untrue,
if truth be known, I love all of you.
You’re a giver of life, and a warrior too,
so do you really need 5 different bottles of shampoo?

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Last of the Dreamers

This is for the last of the dreamers.

Friday With the Gang

My friend Rene's vintage Louis Vuitton bag. It's incredibly huge and beautiful as it has aged amazingly.
Went to school a bit early to help out. Turns out I was late so I ended up hanging with the gang instead.

Hung out at the cafeteria and Trixie and her group mates discussed about their video for VIDPROD2 Finals. They're reading the script there.

Cool watch.

Rene's OTHER Louis Vuitton suitcase. ANG SARAP HAWAKAN. MMMmmmm.

Cool prof is cool. He's got this very awesome and neat haircut and (I'm guessing) his awesome glasses which are made out of tortoise shell. Very cool and he's got swag. I WANT HIM TO BE MY PROF! :)))

I apologize for the blurry photo, Rene! I suggest we do a photoshoot! That'd be so much awesome-er =))
Oh, guys, I'd like you to meet Rene! (His name reminds me of How To Make It in America :))) )
He's pretty cool and laughs about everything. What a cool guy. He's got a girlfriend named Thats (for Thatianna) and we call her Tits coz her friends joke her about her name :)) Anyhoo, she's nice too.

And here's Steff. A few minutes after this photo, she fell down the stairs at the LRC. Don't worry guys! She's okay now :D