Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Some Pegs For Concept Photography (Film Noir Edition)

I downloaded a film noir called In a Lonely Place (1950) starring Humphrey Bogart. One thing I learned is that the lines are sooo full of SWAG no matter how simple it may seem, the way they say it during the noir days is just full of S.W.A.G (Oh, and yes...again, I may have seem to have screencapped the whole movie). I had to because I'm looking for some pegs (or in simpler/more used term, inspirations) for my concept photography plate.

Another thing I noticed is that they like the backs of actors facing the camera which shows heavy shadows and some serious conversations. I really like it so I might do something like that.

Bogart in robe. SWOOONN.

The HAT!
Oh, and I like the detective's acting in the movie and I like how he says his lines.

I can't help but notice the pocket squares too! Lovinn it.

Gloria Grahame's outfits are sooo pretty I'm in love with everything she wore in the movie!
I'm loving her sandals and pant suit, the jacket is just something I WANT TO HAVE IN MY CLOSET!!!

Oh, cute tiieeeee, wonder what it's called?

See what I mean about her jacket?
Humphrey Bogart sitting with soo much swag. Note his cute socks!

Hat and robe!

If you'll look closely, the black guy is wearing awesome hipster checks. Loove it, and btw, he was watering the pavement when he was wearing that. Sooo much style.

Leans in to kiss her when they just recently met. SWAG I TELL YOU. Pero I like Grahame's character because she's not the typical lady-in-distress/maarte...she's pretty spunky too and very independent and sarcastic until Bogart's character Dixon Steele breaks her (armor) down.

How cool is her top?
Oh, down here is my favorite scene in the movie:

This scene sucked me in and terrified me a bit because Bogart's acting really reels you in on this one. He describes how he thinks the murder of an innocent woman happened. Note how the light changes in the scene, I may want to incorporate that in my shoot.

Look at her pretty slippers! :))

I like how he lights her up a ciggie.

I also love that his shadow is shown in the final scene as he leaves her apartment and loses her (oops. shits, if you're planning to watch sorry for the spoiler). Might do this tooo.

My shoot is on Saturday so hopefully I get good shots. My friend Lee is the model so I hope everything turns out fine.

"I was born when you kissed me. I died when you left me. I lived a few weeks while you loved me." -Humphrey Bogart (Dix Steele)

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