Saturday, January 26, 2013


 HELLO THERE. I'm back! I haven't done this in a looooooooongggg tiiimeeee so here it goes. I did it coz I just really liked what I wore and I want to save it in my head. I'm pretty sure I'm going to repeat the outfit someday though (GASSPPP, YES, REPEAT THE FREAKIN' OUTFIT JEEZUZ)  because it just feels sooo comfortable in it. 

I'm wearing my fave beanie at the moment, it's my Comme des Fuckdown! Beanie that I bought in Hong Kong. I'm also wearing my New Balance 574s that I also bought in HK which I wear ALMOST every day. Super COMFY I feel like I'm floating...waaayyy different feel than my Docs but I love them both equally. 

Here I'm using my Triffer backpack I also got in HK. Super awesome bag with super awesome leather straps. I love it. PLUS, it's pretty big so I can bring my laptop with me when I go to school.

This was a test shot...but I like it because it's me...thinking about something and it kinda makes me look smart, no? :))) ok.fine.not.

And since the weather is jacked up that day, I wore sunglasses! Now its dark....

Now it's clear! MAGIIIICCC. :)) 
Ok, I got this for 370 pesos. A legit one would cost you.....2,000 HKD (You do the math)? Or more...Or less...I'm not really sure but most definitely would go to the IT'S PRETTY FUCKING EXPENSIVE FOR FUCKING SUNGLASSES BUT I STILL REALLY WANT IT Category. 

So yeah, I love it, it's a bargain. Got it from Cool Cats. Yes, that is their name. Cool Cats.

Aaaannddd, that's me...with my Capdase leather laptop sleeve/portfolio...just coz I want to place random papers in it too. 

Oh, and just so I can share it with you's a video I made from our trip to Hong Kong. I apologize in advance because the digicam I used was for old people hence the crappy video quality. Nonetheless, the trip was pretty fucking awesome!

PS. I believe I am in my Streetwear phase. Just sayin'

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