Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I AM ALIIIIVEEE!!!! (2013)


It's 2013 and I am aliiiiveee! And you're still ALLIIIVEEE! And WE ARE ALL ALIVE. Maybe the "jokes" were true about the Mayans just running out of ink/paper/whatever it is they need to write upon their dates and ended at December 21, 2012. 


I'm alive and my "blog" is alive and I am back for a revenge! (Lol, not really) 

 A new year means a new planner and bro was kind enough to buy me one when we went to a trip in HK. I'm currently making a video out of that trip so hold your breaths for that (No. Don't do it. You will DIE). NEW YEAR MEANS NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS TOO. Quite frankly, I never did remember my resolutions and they never made it past March. They just get buried underneath the shit that goes into my mind. Cue a quote from John Green's The Fault in Our Stars, a character says "Writing does not resurrect. It buries." (I'm a busy bee too ya knoow?)

I've been MIA because of school and when school was over and break began I couldn't think of anything to blog. It was like I lost my "blogging mojo". SOMEONE STOLE MY MOJO (Austin Power's style) and I couldn't find it until naooo. I actually missed it, hmmm who knew, huh?

That up there is a photo of my new planner/organizer/the other half of my brain. It will guide me the whole year and hopefully it won't fail me just as my 2012 planner did not. If you look closely, you'll see that I wrote there"Things to do for the N.Year!" and I listed down some things for me the whole year.

1. BLOG AGAIN- I will try to blog again and I don't know why but my life feels more important when I "blog". I like to pretend people care about my life so I feel like I'm doing something right.
hehehhehhehehehhe lolwat.

2. New Stuff for #60- The Number 60 is my new raket. Yes, rumaraket ako (see second to the last thing to do for 2013). Also, if you are not aware what The No. 60 is ... click here! I know I have the ukay/secondhand thing going on but last year I just thought there has to be something better than ukay-ing and I thought creating my own pieces/designs would be nice. Getting The Number 60 out there is smooth sailing for now and I hope I get to do more of it this year. It's like my baby number 2 aside from Secondhand Ripped Tee. LOL. 

3. Read John GreenSLASHMore (books)- So I'm currently doing that and so far so good. I've read Will Grayson (2x), Looking for Alaska which was awesome and I still can't get over the plot twist, and then I just recently finished...

Which is just a heart-breaker and I read it in the car and I was silently crying in the backseat. Anyhoo, my next target is Paper Towns and An Abundance of Katherines and then Grace Coddington's book which I'm still waiting to arrive in the shelves of Fully Booked.

4. TRAVEL- I'm not looking into any specific country or location right now but after last Christmas' HK trip, Iwannafreakintravelsomewhereagain. Or I can always just travel to Quiapo, Boracay or Palawan and that's cool too. Getting lost is the best way to do this but I do hope I get lost with cash coz I can always take a cab home when I get lost if ever. HAHA.

5. Do Something I've never done before- HA! I've always been the person who would do "the right thing" or is always worried that I might offend someone by doing this or that (at least I think I am) sooo I wannado some shit nao. Thanks. 

6. Get RICH OR DIE TRYING- Shhhh guys, it's my inner 50 Cent comin' out. Haha, but seriously tho...this line has ALWAYS been in my list. 

7. LIVE- CHEEESSYYY I KNOOWWWW. Kill me now but it's true. I gotta do something with my life, ya know?

So with that, I leave you with this classic video: 

Happy New Year, Mofoooss!

PS. I just saw that Ang Nawawala part 1 is hanginggg as in cliff hanger siya so part 2 of the photos is somewhere over here.

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