Friday, May 20, 2011

I May Have Been An Architect Or An Interior Designer...

in my past life.

One thing I discovered while studying in SDA (School of Design and Arts) is that I looovee interior design and architectural books. When I was in first year of my college life (which I'm still not out of), I used to have crappy schedules so I tend to have big long gaps between my classes and the things I do to kill time is to either go eat in the cafeteria, sleep, use the computers in the computer lab to surf the net, go to the LRC to cram homeworks, OR READ INTERIOR DESIGN AND ARCHITECTURAL BOOKS (which I end up borrowing and taking home).

After that, it just kept on going...I ended up following some interior/architecture related blogs in tumblr and in bloglovin.

Here's some photos:

Am I the only one who feels calm looking at these photos? Is that weird?

See more HERE.

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